Lara Yoder MSW, Deputy Director at St. Elizabeth Shelters and Supportive Housing. Lara Yoder earned her master’s degree in social work from New Mexico State University in 2005. After receiving her degree she began working with families and individuals experiencing homelessness. During her tenure she has helped victims and their families struggling with domestic violence, housing and homelessness. Ms. Yoder has been working with housing and homelessness for over 20 years. She worked as the Housing Program Manager at The Life Link in Santa Fe for 14 years and gained the valuable experience and found a passion for housing, which she thanks Carol Luna-Anderson for being an amazing mentor. She utilizes Permanent Supportive Housing's best practices in order to provide support to fellow coworkers, clients and agencies. Ms. Yoder is a trainer with LLTI (Life Link training Institute) on Permanent Supportive Housing, and provides technical assistance to the Local Lead Agencies statewide- Local Lead agencies are responsible for filling the Special Need Units that are set aside in LIHTC properties, with eligible tenants.