Walkable City: How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time by Jeff Speck
The bestselling urban planning book of the past decade, translated into seven languages, Walkable City has changed the conversation on community design across America and beyond. It is reissued here with an extensive update, including eight new chapters covering housing equity, COVID, Uber, autonomous vehicles, urban forests, and more.
Yes in Our Backyards by Bill McKibben
Bill McKibben, author, educator, and environmentalist who helped found 350.org, the first global grassroots climate campaign, discusses why It’s time progressives learned to love the green building boom.
Visualizing Density by Julie Campoli and Alex S. MacLean
This best-selling and richly illustrated book by landscape architect Julie Campoli and aerial photographer Alex S. MacLean helps planners, designers, public officials, and citizens better understand how residential density can help save energy, dollars, and the environment.